Tall Boys + Gaming = Pure Love.
You may ask yourself, Why is this college student up at 6am writing a post about energy drinks that are designed to keep a person awake? I think you just answered your own question. I remember when I had my first taste of an Amp: Tall Boy. It was probably two months ago when a friend left a half empty one in my room and I drank it. I swear I felt better, had more energy, and it rekindled my interest in all-nighters while attempting to beat my newest game. Now I have to have at least one a day to keep on top of things. It is an addicting product, but if I don't feel like garbage when I wake up and it's not too expensive (like 2 dollars and change) I'll keep buying them. Theres nothing better then playing a great video game and having a Tall Boy right at my side...it's amazing really. Star Wars: Battlefront II wouldn't have been as exciting if I wasn't drinking a Tall Boy for a much needed boost. I doubt I'd be writing these posts if it wasn't for Amp because I would still be in bed. So next time you buy a new game and want to get into it in a hurry, buy a Tall Boy and keep the gaming going for hours, it's totally worth it. Later.
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