Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Timesplitters: Future Perfect Loves To Kill Monkeys

I remember playing the first of this series, of course named Timesplitters. I HATED it to say the least. After playing the second installment for a while on the PS2, I fell in love with this title. If you haven't played one of these games, you are missing out big time. While going to the mall to kill some time on a Sunday, I found the 3rd installment. The pricetag....$9.99. Even if the game was garbage (which it isn't), it was only a little bit of cash. Since then, I've been unable to put my controller down. I'm still going to class and such, but I try to squeeze in a few challenges or a couple levels between classes. This game is a must have. First, the story line is just amazing. Bots range from easy to un-killable, and the characters are funny and perfectly done. I love the challenges and how crazy and unique they are (like killing waves of zombie monkeys with a shotgun) With over 150 characters to unlock, online capabilities, and a million things to do in the game, even for 50 bucks, its something to quickly play to kill some time, and definitely great for those boring weekends or when you need a break from homework.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will you let me plaaay? hehe

10:42 AM  
Blogger B.S.D. said...

It's a crazy fun game. I didn't like the original, either, but like you, I totally fell in love with the second. Of course, that's why I bought FP.

I only had a problem with one puzzle about 2/3 of the way through, that really, REALLY drove me nuts. It was kinda out of the blue, too, because it's certainly the only puzzle in the whole game that was even remotely difficult. And it just seemed soooo hard.

Anyway, I do hope they make another one. It's a fun FPS with a good story, it's got a great premise (time travel is ALWAYS a good thing), and it runs smooth as glass. :)

3:00 AM  

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