Sunday, October 22, 2006

I <3 Scarface.

I love it, I love it, I LOVE IT. I traded in a few other games so I could get it discounted, and oh was it worth it. I mean, what's better then shooting gang members, selling ya-yo to thugs, and going into a rage and blowing everyone away? That's right....not much else. The game starts off where the movie Scarface ended. You are going through the game, trying to rebuild your once awesome empire. I never really played Grand Theft Auto, but yeah, its kinda like that but I think this is actually better. I can buy buildings, arrange meetings with dealers, and take out gangs (for fun of course) The bottom line is, I think you should get this game, I mean its involved, interesting, and there's a lot of blood. Everyone wants to be Tony Montana and crush some "F*ckin' Cock-a-roaches" every now and then.


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