Friday, October 27, 2006

I saw It, And It Creeped Me Out.

That's right, I have seen the first commercial for the Playstation 3, and believe me, it freaked me out more then a lot of things do. It starts off with a small plastic baby sitting in a white room with a PS3 console. The babie's eyes light up, filled with screenshots that will most likely be appearing on the new gaming platform. So if that isn't weird enough, the eyes then fill with fire, and the baby begins to move. Freaky. The Playstation rises up, most likely under mind control of the baby. I was like, "what the hell is going on here?" The commercial made no sense, and didn't even show off what the PS3 was capable of. If you search the internet, you can most likely find it on Utube. I, however, do not know how to put videos up here, but once I do, I'll show you how freakin' weird Sony has gone. Hopefully, it is just for the Halloween season, but there is always a chance that they have lost their mind.


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