Sunday, November 26, 2006

School Days.

So now I am about 90% done with school for the semester, which means lots of time logged into video games. All I have left are 2 exams (one is an automatic A) a presentation (just have to present) and edit one paper. I am so happy that this semester is almost over so I can go home and just work out, relax and not be bothered by homework getting in the way of my Xbox and PlayStation 2. Anyways, I was playing Bully for the last few days, and let me just tell you know, PICK THIS GAME UP! I thought it wasn't going to be too great at the beginning, but after completing a few missions the story really picked up and it's just been fun on a bun. I get to egg houses, help out drunk teachers, and pull all the pranks I wanted to back in high school. Rockstar, you've done it again my friend. I was also looking on their website recently and saw some cool stuff like t-shirts of Grand Theft Auto and Bully. I might have to pick one of those up for the holidays. In closing, I give you a picture of my game station, soon to be added to if you know what I mean. Later.


Blogger B.S.D. said... original NES. Haven't seen one of those in a while. :)

I've got the SNES, too, of course (greatest console of all time), and now I've replaced the PS2 with the PS3. Hope to get a Xbox 360 for Christmas...

I might have to look into getting a NES, though. Maybe I'll check out eBay...

2:03 AM  

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