Convert Or Die.
Has anyone read any of the "Left Behind" books? Anyways, apparently there is going to be a video game based on the books which is sold at Walmart. The name of the game is Left Behind: Eternal Forces. It is the end of the world, and you are the good guys. Your mission is to either convert people (the little characters say "praise the lord" when you do this) or blow their non-christian heads off. It seems like this game is going to get more controversy than a lot of violent video games released in the past. Why? It has to do with christian propaganda and what is really going to happen when the world ends.
Some faith leaders want Walmart to take the game off the shelves as soon as possible. I, on the other hand, really don't care. No one will buy this PC game unless they are already Christian and believe things like this. Like I have said before, anything in a video game is NOT going to change my mind on what reality is and the difference between it and something made up. I say to the makers of this game: go ahead, just because it portrays people dying because they don't want to be Christians is not going to make it real. We should know the difference and let freedom of speech actually be free.

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