Crazy People.
I went to the mall yesterday, and boy was it packed. I mean LOTS of people searching for the right presents for friends and loved ones. I went to go see what they had in stock because I was taking a break from
finishing some finals. Both EB and Game stop were packed with people. Everyone was buying consoles, games, trading in was a mad house. There were four lines with about 10 people in each, not including the people just looking for games. I managed to find two great games. Shadow of the Colossus and Maximo Vs. Army of Zin. For both of them, I paid like 20 dollars. not a bad deal at all. both of those games were hailed at one point as a great new game and now were in the bargain bin. I knew they had some good titles accidentally thrown in there. I also found the original Raw Vs. Smackdown for Frank for something like 14 dollars. All I know is that I'm happy for doing my shopping early and I don't have to go back to that place until they get some new stock in and the people have left. Later

SotC is one of the best games on the PS2. Completely fresh and original, an absolute joy to play, and a truly singular experience the whole way 'round. I promise you will not be disappointed. ;)
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