Friday, December 29, 2006

Making Kids Less Lazy With Video games? No Way!

Yeah, you saw what I typed up there. Apparently, in the news today there was an article about a gym class in Georgia that uses Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) as a workout for high school students. The image of the screen is projected on the wall, and the music is projected through a speaker system. The school didn't even have to pay for the equipment because of private grants that they received. In high school, I had to do a dance class freshman year. I hated it with a passion. With DDR though, I wouldn't mind working out on that. DDR actually has a workout mode that you can set so even if you screw up some of the moves, the game still continues. This seems like a great idea to curb the increase of childhood obesity that has been hitting America very hard. Plus, the equipment isn't that expensive. ($40 for the game, $200 or so for the mats, and like $1,000 for a good projector) Really, that is all that is needed. If every high school, and maybe even middle school would do this, I bet there would be a lot more revenue for PlayStation 2 and DDR. Maybe they could even make a "High school" edition or something. There's some easy money for you, Sony.


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