Saturday, December 16, 2006

Mini-Game Madness.

Whenever I get a game to play, everything in it must be beaten before I can go on to a new title. I don't know why I am like this, but I feel as if I'll never feel satisfied until every aspect of a game is completed . Look at Timesplitters 3 for example. They have some of the best mini-games, and there is certainly not a shortage of them. Some can be beaten the first time around, then there are the ones that take a dedicated weekend to beat just one. I enjoy this because it really adds to the whole of the game and makes it a better buy. I've beaten about 95% of Timesplitters 3, but now I am on to a bigger challenge. After destroying Tekken: Tag Tournament for the last week or so, I unlocked Tekken Bowling. Talk about frustrating and addicting at the same time. You must bowl more then a 260 to get in to the next stage, and I haven't broken 200 yet. I'll be on a good run, 5 or 6 strikes in a row, then I'll screw up and almost throw the PS2 controller in frustration. I can't go for more then an hour without playing it and trying to beat it again. Since there is nothing to be done until Monday morning for finals, it looks like bowling will be on the venue. Later.


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