Load Of Crap.
This is absolute garbage, aka censorship. Since a few countries and large companies already are going to ban the sales of Manhunt 2, supposedly due out in July, it is pretty much saying "hey, change it to mature and CENSOR your game." I'm sorry that people are morons and have their kids kill after playing violent video games, maybe it is because of the bad parent that shouldn't have been allowed to breed in the first place. So yeah, I doubt that Manhunt is going to sell, if at all, anywhere. Another thing. I heard on the radio that "video game addiction" is as addictive as alcohol and drugs now. I know...stupid. I feel like blowing up America at this point because of all these hippy laws and playing the blame game. Since I'll be going back to school tomorrow, I won't be updating for a few more days. later.
Agreed...what a bunch of crap & stupid people shouldn't breed. As for video game addiction... wtf!? ..Americans are so fucking stupid, always needing to "invent" new syndromes to explain why their kids are retarded and take the focus off the real issue of how shitty of human beings... and parents they are. It reminds me of Tipper Gore trying to kill rock n roll. What a bunch of horseshit, Im gonna go play games in my chainsaw codpiece right now. LOL
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