Wednesday, August 22, 2007


It is that time of year again where I am so busy and will be gone for the next 2 days at camp, so I am just letting all my loyal fans know that my posts will be a lot more sporadic over the next week. Hopefully, everyone saw the previews for Bioshock and reserved it. That's all for now. Later.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


This has got to be one of the most addicting games on the face of the earth. Download or play Jezzball here. The game is really simple, and the story behind it is enough to make anyone laugh. I stole thi spart off a website.

"The game begins in a large capture chamber with two Jezz atoms bouncing around. With a click of the mouse, you can build a new chamber wall and trap the Jezz atoms in a smaller space. But be careful, if you don't build your wall completely across the chamber before it's hit by a Jezz atom, it won't withstand the impact.Be forewarned, JezzBall is not just challenging and great fun, but also strangely soothing and satisfying. Once you start trapping atoms, you won't want to stop! The object of JezzBall is to trap Jezz atoms in the smallest possible chambers. You make the chambers smaller with the wallbuilder. Watch the Jezz atoms closely. The challenge is to gauge enough time to anchor your wall on both sides of the chamber before it is struck by an atom. If only one side of your wall anchors before being hit by an atom, a partial wall is left behind but the cost is one chamber life.You advance to the next level when the walls you build reduce the chamber by at least 75 percent. If you reduce the chamber more than 75 percent, you are awarded extra points. Each time you advance a level, an additional Jezz atom is placed in the chamber. The more atoms you work with, the higher your points. If the atoms are moving too fast, you can slow them down, but you'll only earn half as many points."

See if you can beat my score of just over 130,000 and let me know, but believe me, it's pretty hard to do. Later.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Good Deal.

I'll make this quick. I'm selling my PSP ( I never play the damn thing) So if you want it, bid on ebay here. If you send me a message that you saw it on this site, I'll waive the shipping cost. It's in really good condition and since there are rumors of a new style of PSP coming out, might as well sell it while I can. Later.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Well, to play this game for what it really is, I'd have to invest a ton of cash. I'd need a grand just for a good enough TV (LCD or something...Samsung of course) the game (about $55-$60) and a PS3, (another $500). Ouch. It is worth it though, as people are rating it over a 9 out of 10. I was thinking about this game recently, and I can compare it to a really hot girl (just listen). Even though she may be hard to get (the last two installments I played were IMPOSSIBLE to beat) you can't be mad because of just how amazing she is (how good the game looks) With a bunch of bone-crushing moves, new weapons and and stunning moves, plus another playable character, Ninja Gaiden Sigma looks like the ultimate game to play if you are willing to spend the dough to play it as the developers intended. One of these days, when I can actually afford all of these components, I will play Sigma for at least a week straight, only taking breaks to sleep and occasionally eat, even though I can do that last one while playing the game. Later.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Beowulf: My Dreams Have Come True.

Ever since I was in High School, I loved reading about the adventures of Beowulf, probably just because of how much ass he kicked in a poem. Now so many years later, I was sitting on the toilet reading a new copy of Game Informer, when suddenly there was a preview for Beowulf. I literally crapped myself. When I read the review, I learned a few things. There will be lots of fighting in this game. Also, lot of blood. That was all I needed to hear to instantly buy this game when it comes out in November of this year. Plus, there is a movie coming out at about the same time (starring Anthony Hopkins) which should also be good. If you haven't read the story, Beowulf is insane. All he does is kill things and barely says any words. Apparently this game goes all the way from when Beowulf was really young to when he becomes king of all the people. This should be really interesting how they make this game because it is supposed to be an RPG and not all hack 'n' slash. So look for this game on next-gen consoles in November and the movie coming out at the same time. I'll be counting down the days until they both release. Until then, check this out. Later.