Beowulf: My Dreams Have Come True.
Ever since I was in High School, I loved reading about the adventures of Beowulf, probably just because of how much ass he kicked in a poem. Now so many years later, I was sitting on the toilet reading a new copy of Game Informer, when suddenly there was a preview for Beowulf. I literally crapped myself. When I read the review, I learned a few things. There will be lots of fighti
ng in this game. Also, lot of blood. That was all I needed to hear to instantly buy this game when it comes out in November of this year. Plus, there is a movie coming out at about the same time (starring Anthony Hopkins) which should also be good. If you haven't read the story, Beowulf is insane. All he does is kill things and barely says any words. Apparently this game goes all
the way from when Beowulf was really young to when he becomes king of all the people. This should be really interesting how they make this game because it is supposed to be an RPG and not all hack 'n' slash. So look for this game on next-gen consoles in November and the movie coming out at the same time. I'll be counting down the days until they both release. Until then, check this out. Later.

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