The Last Remnant.
And Wikipedia says...The Last Remnant will feature a brand new battle system labelled by Hiroshi Takai (director) as a "Turn-burst, command-based system using symbol encounters." There will be no random encounters. It will also contain quick time events, sequences where the player must press a combination of buttons with a correct timing to defeat enemies. This system has appeared in other video games before The Last Remnant, for instance in Shenmue, Kingdom Hearts II and Final Fantasy VIII.
In addition to the main character, the player's team (called a "Union") is composed of a number of soldiers whose skills vary according to different parameters. One parameter is the "morale" bar, which is affected by the events in battle and affects the way characters perform in battle. Battles can involve up to 70 enemies at once and will be at the core of the gameplay. Nobuyuki Ueda has commented on the battle system, claiming that it is "much deeper than the few seconds it received in the movie".Additionally, a high number of quests are expected.
The main protagonist is an 18 year old swordsman named Rush Sykes, who is designed primarily for fans of traditional Japanese role-playing games. He is trying to rescue his sister, Irina who is kidnapped by a mysterious man. The siblings hail from the peaceful Eulam Village, but soon Rush finds himself involved in a global conflict centering around the Remnants. Both characters were designed to appear as part of a "normal" family that is sucked accidentally into an adventure that is far from normal.
Accompanying Rush is a 19 year old David Nassau, the young, authoritative Marquis of Athlum. He aims to gain independence from a nation called Celapaleis. Despite being of royalty, he joins the battlefield alongside Gae Bolg, a devastating cannon-shaped Remnant. He is described as calm and collected and is known to have a deep relationship with a female character with silver hair.
Another character shown in the new trailer is a battle scarred woman with silver hair and blue schemed character designing. Not much information other than knowing David Nassau is known.
Another character is an older man with long silver hair and crimson clothes, known simply as The Conqueror, and is designed to appeal to Western gamers. Many screen shots of him show him with blood splattered all over him which is thought, allegedly, to be the "blood of his victims". The Conqueror is a collector of remnants ; he is also linked to Rush, although the nature of this link is unknown.
An English actor who appeared in James Cameron film Titanic, Emmett James, voices the character Wilfred Hermeien, a politician and chairman of the congress.
Yusuke Naora has stated that many main characters have yet to be revealed, some of whom will be playable. Naora did already reveal that the scar-faced/grey-haired woman, who is named Emma, has a deep relationship with David.