Monday, January 28, 2008

The Last Remnant.

Hey, I'm back...sorta, and with a preview of the game Last remnant for Ps3 and Xbox 360 coming out this fall (oh why did they have to push it back?) Since I am in the middle of working 6 hours, and on duty, ANNNDDD took 4 classes today, I think that I will concede my awesomeness to Wikipedia for their words on this fantastic game that you should all reserve when that actually comes available.

And Wikipedia says...The Last Remnant will feature a brand new battle system labelled by Hiroshi Takai (director) as a "Turn-burst, command-based system using symbol encounters." There will be no random encounters. It will also contain quick time events, sequences where the player must press a combination of buttons with a correct timing to defeat enemies. This system has appeared in other video games before The Last Remnant, for instance in Shenmue, Kingdom Hearts II and Final Fantasy VIII.
In addition to the main character, the player's team (called a "Union") is composed of a number of soldiers whose skills vary according to different parameters. One parameter is the "morale" bar, which is affected by the events in battle and affects the way characters perform in battle. Battles can involve up to 70 enemies at once and will be at the core of the gameplay. Nobuyuki Ueda has commented on the battle system, claiming that it is "much deeper than the few seconds it received in the movie".Additionally, a high number of quests are expected.

The main protagonist is an 18 year old swordsman named Rush Sykes, who is designed primarily for fans of traditional Japanese role-playing games. He is trying to rescue his sister, Irina who is kidnapped by a mysterious man. The siblings hail from the peaceful Eulam Village, but soon Rush finds himself involved in a global conflict centering around the Remnants. Both characters were designed to appear as part of a "normal" family that is sucked accidentally into an adventure that is far from normal.
Accompanying Rush is a 19 year old David Nassau, the young, authoritative Marquis of Athlum. He aims to gain independence from a nation called Celapaleis. Despite being of royalty, he joins the battlefield alongside Gae Bolg, a devastating cannon-shaped Remnant. He is described as calm and collected and is known to have a deep relationship with a female character with silver hair.
Another character shown in the new trailer is a battle scarred woman with silver hair and blue schemed character designing. Not much information other than knowing David Nassau is known.
Another character is an older man with long silver hair and crimson clothes, known simply as The Conqueror, and is designed to appeal to Western gamers. Many screen shots of him show him with blood splattered all over him which is thought, allegedly, to be the "blood of his victims". The Conqueror is a collector of remnants ; he is also linked to Rush, although the nature of this link is unknown.
An English actor who appeared in James Cameron film Titanic,
Emmett James, voices the character Wilfred Hermeien, a politician and chairman of the congress.
Yusuke Naora has stated that many main characters have yet to be revealed, some of whom will be playable. Naora did already reveal that the scar-faced/grey-haired woman, who is named Emma, has a deep relationship with David.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Week From Hell.

Getting up at 7 in the morning sucks. A lot. Taking 18 credits and working another 18 for the next 15 weeks is even worse to think about. Sadly, with all of that and my computer taking a nose-dive into Spyware territory, I have not been able to sleep let alone play video games. I just don't feel right without them. Kinda going through withdrawals. Let's just pray that I can find some spare time during the weekend to write about something interesting on here. Later.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Rock Band Rules.

Sorry that I haven't been updating recently, but getting up for RA training at 730 in the morning and no Internet to speak of, it was a little difficult. So my girlfriend and I decided to go down to my friend's room and try out his new game Rock Band. It is amazing to say the least. It has such great artists like weezer, Nine inch Nails, and about 60 others. There is also something for everyone when it comes to playing an instrument. Of course there is guitar and bass, but if you get bored with that, there is drums (which does get some getting used to) or vocals which really show that you cannot be a singer at all. So if you have the $160 or so to shell out for all of this, you better do it. Later.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Legend Continues.

I got Gauntlet Legends in the mail today, which was surprising because I was not expecting it to come so fast from Washington state since I ordered three other Nintendo 64 games a week earlier that still have not come in. I popped it in, and for four dollars and change, it was worth every penny to get it off of E-Bay. For the same price, I couldn't even afford the gas to get to the casino, which I doubt still has the console version, or pay the $1,100 to get the actual coin operated game delivered to my house. Mass Effect still has a pretty good effect on me, but after seeing a six minute video review for Bioshock, I wish that I had both of them. Oh well, since school starts for me on the 16th, I doubt I'll have any time to play anything, sadly. RA training is nothing but a pain that cuts into my Xbox/Ps2/N64/Snes/girlfriend time (not always in that order). Oh well, might as well enjoy God of War II when I can. Later.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Moving On.

After nine and a half hours of gameplay (or something like that) of God of War, I decided to move right onto the next installment. I really could not think of much to improve the first game, even though it was made almost two years ago. Before I began to play God of War II, I decided to brush the dust off of my Xbox 360 and play a little bit of Mass Effect. I was at the point where I was just running around, trying to solve everyone else's problems. Not too much fun. Finally, lots of fighting, killing, and getting new weapons came about. I can't even put the game down for more then a few hours at a time. If you haven't gotten Mass Effect and like games like Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic, then you should really invest your money in it. later.

Friday, January 04, 2008

I Need This.

My friend and I were talking about the days when we used to go to the Mohegan Sun casino arcade and spend a ton of cash on some awesome arcade games. There was this one game that involved skateboarding but we couldn't figure out what the hell the name of it was. He told me to find it, and of course, I came through that same night. It was Top Skater, one of the best games for a dollar a play. I found it on this website that is actually a warehouse for these dinosauric beasts. I thought they were going to be expensive, and they really are. Top skater (with the 50 inch screen) is sold for around $2,400, which doesn't include another $300 for shipping. We both agreed, if we were rich, we would have an entire basement full of these things. If someone out there really wants to make my day, they will send some donations and send Top Skater to Sterling. Pronto. Or Gauntlet Legends, even though I just got it on E-Bay for Nintendo 64 for .99 cents. Later.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year, New Games.

If you are anything like me, you took some of that hard-earned Xmas cash and blew it on games. I picked up Pilotwings 64, Turok 2, and Ready to Rumble Boxing for Nintendo 64 for about $20 total with shipping. Not a bad deal. I think tonight I'm going to get into God of War since the double disk God of War II came in today. In the meantime, check out for some great games that are coming out soon, like Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom and MLB '08. Later