Friday, January 04, 2008

I Need This.

My friend and I were talking about the days when we used to go to the Mohegan Sun casino arcade and spend a ton of cash on some awesome arcade games. There was this one game that involved skateboarding but we couldn't figure out what the hell the name of it was. He told me to find it, and of course, I came through that same night. It was Top Skater, one of the best games for a dollar a play. I found it on this website that is actually a warehouse for these dinosauric beasts. I thought they were going to be expensive, and they really are. Top skater (with the 50 inch screen) is sold for around $2,400, which doesn't include another $300 for shipping. We both agreed, if we were rich, we would have an entire basement full of these things. If someone out there really wants to make my day, they will send some donations and send Top Skater to Sterling. Pronto. Or Gauntlet Legends, even though I just got it on E-Bay for Nintendo 64 for .99 cents. Later.


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